All Saints' uses the Read, Write Inc phonics scheme to deliver daily phonics sessions to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 where needed. Some children in KS2 may also need extra time accessing the RWI scheme. Children are split into ability groups following regular assessment.
Phonics runs first thing in a morning, so it is important your child comes to school on time. Through RWI, we teach your child to recognise and read sounds, segment and blend words and use these skills to read words in a book. We want every child at All Saints' to read confidently and for pleasure. We give them the skills to be able to do this. You child will bring home a reading book matched to their phonic level. Please encourage your child to read this book at home to allow them to practise the skills they have learnt.
Our staff have weekly training, which ensures all groups access a high level of teaching and learning.
if you have any questions about phonics or your child's reading, please speak to the class teacher or Mrs Richmond.
Saying the sounds
It is important that your child learns to say each sound correctly. The link below takes you to a video that shows you how to say all of the sounds your child will learn to read.
Learning to blend
Once your child has learnt the sounds m, a, s, d, t they will learn to blend. We call this Fred Talk.
When learning to blend, your child will learn to segment each word into the sounds you can hear and blend them together into a whole word.
The link below takes you to a video that shows you how to practise blending with your child at home.
Phonics Screening Check
At the end of Year One, children take part in the Phonics Screening Check. This is a word reading check, where children read 40 words. You will be informed of your child's score at the end of the year. If your child cannot read 32 of the words, they will be given extra support and may continue to access RWI in KS2. This allows them to continue accessing the scheme until they can read fluently. You can find out more about the Phonics Screening Check by watching the video below.
The sounds
When learning the sounds, children are taught a short rhyme. This helps them to learn, recall, write and apply the sounds they are reading.