Welcome to Year 6
We are going to have a fantastic year and have lots of exciting things planned: amazing visits, visitors and lots of new and wonderful experiences. MIss Gillies and I are really excited to get to know you all and look forward to our journey throughout the year. Remember, we are here for anything you need, so if you have any problems, please come and see one of us. Don't worry if we look busy as we always will, but we ALWAYS have time for you!
Spring 2: Breaking Down Walls!
Our theme this half term is ‘Breaking Down Walls’ where the children will be learning about conflict, trade, economics and migration. The theme will begin with the children looking at walls throughout History: Berlin Wall, The Great Wall of China etc. and their purpose and effect on the lives of people whom were and still divided by them today. As part of this theme, we will be learning about identity and the plight of refugees around the world whilst looking at human rights.
Spring 1: The Lost World
This half term we will be learning all about the Maya. The Maya is a fantastic theme, where the children will learn all about why the Maya are amazing and what impact they have had, and are still having on our lives today. As part of this theme, we will get to meet the amazing Dr Diane Davies who spends most of her year working in Mexico as an Archaeologist. She will bring into school lots of fantastic artefacts and will bring exciting, unbelievable stories from the Mexican jungle.
Autumn 2: Take a stand: challenge climate change
Here are some of our photos from London. There will be more to follow, so watch this space.
Photos below are from our Climate Change Exhibition and heart dissections. The children did amazing with their exhibitions and produced some great leaflets too. Thanks so much to all the parents that turned up.
Here are our young designers. The children came up with some fabulous ideas for their inventions, and I would like to send a huge well done to the winners of our Dragons' Den with their design of the table bin. Well done to Jessica, Jana, Ellie and Harriet.
This theme has come at the perfect time this year. COP29 is happening in Azerbaijan from the 11th November and our children are already extremely passionate about doing their bit to tackle Climate Change. Throughout this theme, we will be looking closely at environmental issues and what we can do to make a difference. We hope to work with Veolia - our local recycling centre to learn about what happens when we recycle and will be testing our map skills during a canal/river walk in the local area.
To end this half term, we will be visiting London where we will have the opportunity to see the amazing sites of our capital city. Watch this space to see our photos!
Autumn 1: Traders to Raiders
Welcome to Year 6. We have an amazing year planned, and this half term we will be learning all about the Vikings. This theme will begin with a Viking visitor into school, where we will have the opportunity to experience the life of a Viking and handle a range of artefacts. We love History in Year 6 and are excited to be learning about the lives of the Vikings living in the United Kingdom: how they arrived here, what they did and how they changed the lives of people living here forever. During this theme, we will learn about the attack on Lindisfarne and our artwork will be linked to this fascinating island. We will also follow the journey that the Vikings took as they sailed along the River Ouse into York as part of our Geography work. Take a look below to find out what we will be learning across the curriculum and please familiarise yourself with our mastery for this half term.
Summer 2: Growing Up and Moving On
Wow, I can't believe we are in our final term of the year. It has been a fantastic year and the children have had lots of amazing experiences and have worked extremely hard throughout the year. Now, in our last half term, we will be focusing on moving on to high school and preparing the children for the next stage of their lives. This half term will reflect on their lives at All Saints' and look at what the future holds for them. We will also celebrate our time at All Saints' through our leavers' assembly and end of year performance - not forgetting, our end-of-year visits to Filey and Roundhay Park for our adventurous activity which will be paddle boarding!
Summer 1: Lest We Forget
This half term we will be learning about World War 2. Our main focus will be on Leeds, and we will be learning about the lives of people living in Leeds during the war and how the businesses within this region contributed to the war effort. We will also be making comparisons between World War 2 and the the current war in Israel and how people around the world are responding to this war and the people fleeing the conflict. As part of this theme, we will have a visitor from the Holocaust Society, who will give us a clear insight of what happened to a number of groups of people.
Spring 2: Breaking Down Walls
Our theme this half term is ‘Breaking Down Walls’ where the children will be learning about conflict, trade, economics and migration. The theme will begin with the children looking at walls throughout History: Berlin Wall, The Great Wall of China etc. and their purpose and effect on the lives of people whom were and still divided by them today. As part of this theme, we will be learning about identity and the plight of refugees around the world whilst looking at human rights.