Thank You Year 1
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well on this penultimate week of our time in year 1.
Sadly, this Monday and Tuesday will be my last days with Year 1. I just wanted to say thank you to children and parents alike, who have made this year in year 1 the most fun I have ever had teaching.
The children in this class are wonderful and I will miss every single one of them. However, they will only be in the room next door in September and I'm sure they will be making me smile, and driving me crazy, before I know it. Thank you to all of you for making my first year in year 1 a very memorable and happy one.
Underneath is a video I have made to document all of the children's learning they have done this year. I am aware that some parents have asked that their child's pictures do not appear on the website. In removing these pictures it has meant that some pupils are not as well represented as others, as they have been in pictures that I have had to omit from the slideshow. I have done my best and think every child is represented..
Again, thank you for a wonderful year and enjoy the Summer. Much love, Mr James x
Monday 6th July 2020
Monday 29th June 2020
Monday 15th June 2020
Hi year 1. There is some number and counting work on the website today and I have also added some sentence worksheets for you to have a go at. More work to follow. It was lovely to see some of you back at school this week. Hope you are well, take care. Mr James
Monday 8th June 2020
Thursday Timetable
New outdoor area!
Well year 1, although we have not been at school as a class, I have been busy in our outdoor area. I have built the desks and stages and put grass in the whole area. I hope you get the chance to enjoy it. Much love, Mr James.
Week Beginning 1st June 2020
Hi Year 1 and welcome to this weeks learning. As usual the timetable for Classroom Secrets is above.
Our theme this half term is Can I be a Reporter? So, I would like you to write a newspaper report or draw a picture with a caption about something you have done during lockdown that you think people would like to read about in a newspaper.
Measuring at home question pack
I would like you to take a little walk outside and find some objects from nature that you could use to make a self portrait. Some examples are below.
In history we would have been looking at our family trees and trying to draw our own. This is what a family tree looks like. Can you have a go at drawing your own? Ask your grown ups to help. How far back can you go? There is a blank family tree underneath, or you could draw your own.
Thursday 21st May 2020
Good morning Year 1, I hope you managed to do some of the work I set for you on Tuesday and also had a go at designing a poster for our classroom about how to stay safe when we return. Today I would like you to watch this video about pop art. We would have been learning about an artist called Andy Warhol this half term who loved to make really bright and colourful pictures. Do you think you could find something in your home and draw it. You must try and make it really bright and exciting. I have put some examples of pop art below. along with Thursday's timetable.
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Good morning year 1, it is a lovely day today and I hope you can get out and enjoy some of the sun. I have really enjoyed getting your work back and it was fantastic to see some of you doing the experiments from last week. Well done to all of you.
Parents and carers, as you will no doubt be aware the government has set a tentative date of the 1st June for a return to school. if you have any concerns or questions in regard to this please don't hesitate to contact me on email at or through Class Dojos. I have rung most of you to discuss this and will contact those that I haven't been able to speak to before the end of the week.
Today I have chosen some interactive games for you to have a go on if you are able to. The links are below. I understand it may be difficult for some to access the online activities, so if you are struggling I would like you to think about the challenge I set you on Thursday and write and decorate with pictures some rules to keep us safe when we do return to school. An example is below.
Word of the Day
Today's word of the day is distracted. Distracted means you can't concentrate on something because you are thinking about something else. Mr James was working on his laptop but he was distracted by the noisy children. Think about when you get distracted. When does it happen? Why does it happen? Now, put it in a sentence.
Thursday 14th May
Classroom secrets Thursday timetable
Remember, your username and passwords can be found on Monday 11th May's work. Take care, see you soon. Much love, Mr James
Monday 11th May 2020
Can I be a Mad Scientist?
Good morning year 1, I hope you had a super weekend. Thank you to all of you who sent in your paper chain entries, they were amazing! I can't believe how long they were, in fact Leila's was actually bigger than her house. Incredible.
Our theme this half term is Can I be a Mad Scientist? Well, can you? Underneath I have drawn up three experiments for you to try at home. I'm hoping you have the things you need for it. Especially the one with CHOCOLATE! Send me some pictures of how you got on doing your experiments.
Word of the Day
Today's word of the day is glisten. Glisten means to shine and sparkle very brightly. As Mr James edged closer to the diamond, it began to glisten brightly in the sunlight.
As I mentioned on Thursday there are some grammar hammer and big maths sheets further down the page. Todays classroom secrets timetable is underneath, and remember you can also look at the Oak Academy website for some great online learning lessons.
Todays classroom secrets timetable
I have also set up Classroom Secrets usernames for everyone so you can access all the games and learning on the site. It is located on the link below.
It really is a great way to test yourself as you can make it as easy or as tricky as you like.
Take care year 1, stay safe and look after each other. Miss you all loads and look forward to seeing you all soon one day!
Much Love
Mr James
Paper Chain Challenge
Wow! Look at the huge paper chains Year 1 made in their Thursday challenge. Amazing!
Thursday Challenge
Thursday 7th May 2020
Good morning Year 1, it is a lovely day today and I hope you can get outside for a little bit of exercise in the sun. Can you guess where I am today. Click on the video and you will find out if you are correct!
The link to Thursday's timetable is below and I have also added a grammar hammer and a big maths for you to have a go at. I also have a challenge coming for you later so keep your eyes out for that at lunchtime.
Also there is a link here for some science. We did the parts of a plant before we broke up. Can you remember all the things we learnt?
Word of the Day
Today's word of the day is rummage. Rummage means to have a really good look around for something. Mr James was having a good rummage in the toy box to find his favourite dolly. What would you have a good rummage for? Can you put the word rummage in a sentence?
That is all for now Year 1, I look forward to seeing the work you do and hope to hear from you soon. Take care, much love Mr James.
Monday 4th May 2020
Good morning year 1. I hope you have enjoyed your weekend. I have put another maths quiz on Eedi for you this morning. The log in details are a little bit further down the page if you have forgotten them. Today is the last day for your story endings so if you are going to get one in then do it today please.
The link to Classroom Secrets underneath really is a fantastic resource and has a daily timetable. If you click on Mondays work then there are some great online teaching videos and activities.
Today there are phonics lessons to practises the sounds ai, ee igh, oa, oo, oo and, ar and maths games for numbers to 20.
Practice your timetables and number bonds here too. How many can you get right in 60 seconds?
Word of the Day
Today's word of the day is refused. Refused means not doing something. The little brown dog refused to jump through the angry trainers hoop. What do you think you would refuse to do? Can you put it in a sentence? Can you make that sentence into a story?
We did an awful lot of work about continents and oceans over the first term and I was hoping you could make a map of the world. You can use any materials you want or draw me a picture. To help you remember the continents and oceans I have attached the videos underneath and some examples of ways you could make your maps.
Thursday 30th April 2020
Good morning year 1, I hope you are well. I have only received one entry for the story ending competition which is very disappointing. Hopefully I will get some more before the end of the week.
Below is a fantastic link to the classroom secrets home learning timetable. The resources on the timetable are free and you can plan your whole day around the learning. Start on Thursday of thise week and if you are able to follow the timetable in some way then please send the work in to me to take a look at. The answers come along with the majority of the files. It has maths, literacy and theme work as well as exercise and fun activities. There are also links to other free resources on the website. Al the files can be downloaded as PDF so they can be viewed on phones or tablets.
Do as much as you can but don't worry if you can't do it all.
I look forward to seeing your work!
Take care, much love
Mr James
Word of the Day
Todays word of the day is murky. Murky means dark and gloomy.
The cave was incredibly murky and I could see a huge pair of eyes at the back near the rocks.
Monday 26th April 2020
Story Ending Competition
Good morning everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend. Today is the launch of our story ending competition. The teachers have created a shared story for you to watch. Mr James started of the story then passed the story on to the next teacher. They recorded their part of the story and then passed it on to the next teacher. This continued until we had a whole story that was just missing the final chapter. It is your job to finish of the story. It will all become clearer when you watch our shared story. Click on the picture below to watch our All Saints staff shared story. We hope you enjoy it.
You now need to write the final chapter of the story. Send your story endings in to your teachers email address. Each year group will choose a winner and your teacher will record your ending to add to the end of the video.
Friday 24th April 2020
Good morning Year 1, I hope you have had a great week. The video above shows you the objects we have in our Imagination Station today. I would love to see your stories or story maps that use the objects in them. I have also put some maths quizzes on Instructions as before are below. You can as always go to the Oak Academy to find some more lessons and work and you already have your Word of the Day and other work to be getting on with each day.
Next week we will be doing some science that will need you to go on a little nature walk around your local area if you are able to.
Once you have got on the login page then enter the invitation code for your child's group. It will take you to a page to enter your child's details. Once you have done that you will be able to start the maths quiz I have assigned to your child. If you are not sure of your child's group then please message me. Most should know what group they are in. Any problems, just let me know.
Red Group SC-KBI31VQZMJ71
Blue Group SC-UJAHJV0ZR3N4
Yellow Group SC-ILHQC0GIE85B
Priscilla SC-LU5GIYL98CGS
Then you can complete the quiz and I can see how you got on.
I will put a new quiz on every few days.
Keep well, take care, much love Mr James.
P.S If you still haven't subscribed to Class Dojo's then email me for your activation code at . It's the best way to stay in touch during this time and offers instant messaging.
Word of the Day
Today's word of the day is confused. Confused means you are not sure about something or do not understand it. Mr James was confused by the maths problem.
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Parents and Carers, I know this home learning is tricky, believe me! Don't be too hard on yourselves, I can see how hard the children are working. If you are doing the best you can, then that's all you can ever do. Take care, keep safe. Mr James
Good morning Year 1, happy Wednesday! Today is World Earth Day which is a day in which we think about the planet earth and how we can look after all the things that live on it. Recycling is a big part of looking after our planet and this morning myself and my little girl Jemima made a shimmering fish out of things that we had thrown in our recycling bin. It would be great if you could try that too. Underneath there is a little bit more information about World Earth Day and also the challenge of writing an acrostic poem using the letters from the word EARTH. I can't wait to see how you get on today.
Also don't forget to go on to check out their wonderful daily lessons.
Take care, much love, Mr James
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Good morning Year 1, I hope you are well. The government has launched a new website with lots of activities and lessons for children of all ages. I have put the link to the year 1 page below. There are a lot of activities about things we have already learnt in year 1 this year and some new things for you to learn about also. There are some quizzes on there also where you can test your knowledge. It's a really useful website and I hope you are able to use it.
Word of the Day
Today's word of the day is terrifying. Terrifying means very, very scary. Can you put the word terrifying in a sentence and maybe even write a story about something you find terrifying?
Todays maths is the mixed word problems which you can find on the link below. I know some of you are at different stages of your maths so just do whichever one you are up to.
Reading Comprehension
I have added two sets of reading comprehensions below. If you can't print these out which I'm sure most of you can't then try asking the questions to your child after they have read the text. They will need to read through the text to pick out the answers.
The first set is slightly easier than the second comprehension, but you can have a go at either one.
Monday 20th April 2020
Morning Year 1, I hope you have had a lovely Easter holiday. This would be the start of our Summer term and it's very sad that we can't be together learning in our class. However, I have put the learning I would like you to do on the school website. I know these are really tricky times at the moment but I would like you to share how you are feeling with me. Tell me something that you have enjoyed during lockdown and something that you really haven't enjoyed. Hope you are all safe and well, I miss you lots. Much love, Mr James. Maths Number Probs Word of the Day
Good morning Year 1, it's a lovely day today so I hope you can get out enjoy the sunshine. Be sensible, keep 2 meters apart, you can be sure you are keeping everyone safe by doing this. I thought I would send you a little update on your beanstalks today. They are really coming along. Hope you are all safe and well. Much love, Mr James.
P.S Look out for today's challenge just after lunch time.
Breaking news from Mr James's garden. It would appear that the aliens have been in his garden too. Has anyone else reported any problems? Please stay safe Year 1. Much love, Mr James
News Flash - News Flash - News Flash- News Flash.
News Flash - News Flash - News Flash- News Flash
Year 1, important news. Please watch the video then check your fridges and cupboards immediately. Let me know what you find.
Wednesday 1st April
Morning Year 1,
take a look at this link and see if any of your work has made it on to this weeks Home Learning Showcase page. Keep the work coming in. You are doing a great job and so are the people looking after you.
Much love
Mr James
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Good morning Year 1, I hope you are all well and busy. Today's challenge is to make your own shop and sell things to your customers. You will need to get some things to sell, make a price list, work out the total by adding then use your subtraction skills to work out the change. You can make it as tricky as you like by making the items more expensive. Send me pictures, videos or written suns that you do. Have a great day and keep safe. Miss you all, much love, Mr James.
Monday 30th March 2020
The Leeds Rhinos have added some games that you can play during the school closure. – KS1 Goal Ball Game with Dane Weatherill – KS2 Volleyball game with Dane
Morning Year 1, here is today's maths challenge. If you want to make it really tricky can you tell me which five items you can buy for under 20p. I have also put another maths challenge up on eedi.
A short video showing you how to subscribe to the site. Hope it helps. Look forward to seeing some scores.
Good morning everyone, hope you are all well and safe. I have set up some Maths quizzes on the website that you can access on your phone, tablet or laptop. Each group has their own invitation code which you will find below. Go to this site to sign up.
Once you have got on the login page then enter the invitation code for your childs group. It will take you to a page to enter your childs details. Once you have done that you will be able to start the maths quiz I have assigned to your child. If you are not sure of your child's group then please message me. Most should know what group they are in. Any problems, just let me know.
Red Group SC-KBI31VQZMJ71
Blue Group SC-UJAHJV0ZR3N4
Yellow Group SC-ILHQC0GIE85B
Then you can complete the quiz and I can see how you got on.
I will put a new quiz on every few days.
Keep well, take care, much love Mr James.
P.S If you still haven't subscribed to Class Dojo's then email me for your activation code at . It's the best way to stay in touch during this time and offers instant messaging.
Year 1 Home Learning
Hi, and welcome to the Year 1 home learning page. With the indefinite period of school closure I have uploaded some work for your child to complete over this period. I will be updating it at regular intervals. It would be great if you could check in and do some of the work with your child each day just to keep them up with their learning. I know many of you are on the Class Dojo app so you can contact me on there or alternatively contact me on I will do my very best to answer any questions you have.
Most importantly, stay safe, keep your loved ones safe and take care of those who need it most. I look forward to seeing you all safe and healthy whenever school reopens. Much love to you all, Mr James.
Underneath are the links for your child's maths work for both this half term and most of the Summer 1 half term. They are colour coded for their groups. Your child will know what colour group they are but if they have forgotten then please drop me a line and I will let you know. I will be adding the Big Maths worksheets over the next few weeks dependent on how long the school remains closed. Take care, Mr James.
Keeping up to date with the set 1, 2 and 3 sounds will be so important over this period of school closure. Please try and practice all these sounds with your child as often as possible. We have sent two reading books home with your child but you can also use the link below to access free online ebooks.
Set 1, 2 and 3 RWI phonic sounds
On this part of the page you will find some activities that your children can do over the school closure to help with their literacy. I have attached our Word of the Day sheets for all the way through until the end of the year. This is a great way to keep developing your child' vocabulary and get them to use it in their writing. There are also some story stimulus pictures to help with their story writing. Each week they can choose a picture and write a story about it. Our theme has been Jack and the Beanstalk so getting them to write their own fairy tales is a great way to develop their writing and imagination. I have also attached some Grammar Hammer sheets to keep them up to speed with their grammar activities.
Picture Stimulus for Story Writing
Reading Comprehensions
Below are two reading comprehensions about fairy tales. I will be adding a new reading comprehension each week.
Reading comprehensions week 1 and 2
Science and Theme
We have been learning about plants and seasons this half term. I have attached our knowledge organiser and some work on seasons if you would like to recap some of our prior learning with your child.
Knowledge Organiser Plants and Seasons
Activities to Keep Your Child Active
It is vital that your child stays active during this period. A healthy body is as important as a healthy mind. Please use these links to help with ideas to keep your child fit and healthy.
We all know the benefits to our physical and mental health if we remain physically active and its great to see so much support for this. Staying active & healthy at home is important – to support parents with this we have pulled together a list of websites that are offering free resources.
Useful Web Links This is free for a month so you can download outdoor learning challenges for your age group. There are books for them to read and videos to watch everyday. Phonics play is free for March.
BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.
Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.
Creative computer programming
Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos
National Geographic Kids
Activities and quizzes for younger kids.
Learn languages for free. Web or app.
Mystery Science
Free science lessons
The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos
Crash Course Kids
As above for a younger audience
Crest Awards
Science awards you can complete from home.
Paw Print Badges
Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.
All kinds of making.
Prodigy Maths
Is in U.S. grades, but good for UK Primary age.
Cbeebies Radio
Listening activities for the younger ones.
Nature Detectives…/
A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!
Oxford Owl for Home
Lots of free resources for Primary age
Geography Games
Geography gaming!
Blue Peter Badges
If you have a stamp and a nearby post box.
The Artful Parent
Good, free art activities
Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones
The Imagination Tree
Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.
Toy Theater
Educational online games
DK Find Out…
Activities and quizzes
This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures.