All Saint's Richmond Hill Church Of England Primary School

     Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome back to school! 
This year your teachers will be Miss Lancashire (Monday - Wednesday morning)  and Mrs Smith (Wednesday afternoon - Friday)
and our amazing support staff member is Mrs Heeley. 

Every week your child will be sent home with  a school reading scheme book as well as a 'free-choice' book from our Yr 4 book shelf and they are expected to be practicing their timestables as much as possible. In the Summer, year 4 have a standardised timestable test which will be completed in school online. To support your child with this test, we have set up Timestable Rockstars which helps them to work on their timestables, their speed and also the format of the actual online test.

Reading books are expected to be brought in every day.

Our PE day will be Tuesday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is weather appropriate. They can wear their PE kit to school on Tuesdays.

Year 4 will be swimming on a Wednesday and need to wear PE kit to school and bring a swimming kit (including towel) with them to school.

We appreciate all the help and support from everyone at home. If you ever have any questions or worries, please feel free to catch us at the door or pop in to school. 

Thank you, 

Mrs Smith & Miss Lancashire


Spring 2 

I can almost see the peak!

Our theme this half term is all about mountains. 


Spring 1

Please Sir!

Our Spring 1 theme is all about the Victorians. 

Our Trip to Armley Mills. Year 4 had a great time learning all about life in a Victorian school and a Victorian factory. We imagined what it would have been like to be Victorian children and we're glad we get to go to school in 2025!

What on Earth is a Christmasaurus?!

Autumn 2

Year 4 will have PE on Mondays and Thursdays this half term. Please send your child to school in PE kit that is weather appropriate. Spellings are due every Monday and reading books need to be brought to school every day. 

Thank you for all of your support. I am looking forward to a new half term!

Welcome back to school! 
This year your teacher will be Miss Lancashire
and our amazing support staff member is Mrs Heeley. 
You are also very lucky because you have Mrs Henson teaching you sometimes too. 
Let's have a great year!

Every week your child will be sent home with spellings to learn for our weekly spelling test, they will have a school reading scheme book as well as a 'free-choice' book from our Yr 4 book shelf and they are expected to be practicing their timestables as much as possible. In the Summer, year 4 have a standardised timestable test which will be completed in school online. To support your child with this test, we have set up Timestable Rockstars which helps them to work on their timestables, their speed and also the format of the actual online test.

Reading books are expected to be brought in every day and spellings are due every Friday.

Our PE day will be Monday and Friday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is weather appropriate. They can wear their PE kit to school on Mondays and Fridays.

We will let you know if we are able to start going swimming again. 

I appreciate all the help and support from everyone at home. If you ever have any questions or worries, please feel free to catch me at the door or pop in to school. 

Thank you, 

Miss Lancashire













Year 4 had a fantastic time yesterday (17/5) at Askham Bryan Conservation Park. They were amazed by the different animals they encountered and learnt lots about carnivores, omnivores, herbivores and detritivores in the educational workshop! 

There are some amazing pictures! See below...

Year 4 went to Climing Depot and absolutely loved the climbing walls! It was a great experience and we loved pretending we were climbing a mountain.

Year 4 have been learning about the Digestive System this half term. This afternoon, we made a demonstration of how the Digestive system works. We mashed biscuits and banana with water (saliva) and orange juice (stomach acid) and squeezed it through a pair of tights. We drained excess liquid and cut the end of the tights to make an anal passage. The children they made make-shift faeces.

The children really enjoyed the demonstration, we even had a few gags!


Yesterday, Year 4 competed in the Leeds KS2 Skipping Competition. After an amazing afternoon, a lot of hard-work and determination and some very big gasps for breath, the All Saints Year 4 class were crowned the CHAMPIONS! We came 1st place overall, with every child winning at least a bronze, silver or gold award in their own area of skipping expertise. Myself and all the staff at All Saints are over the moon and so proud of their achievement! 

Yesterday, Year 4 went to Askham Bryan Wildlife and Conservation centre. They managed to see lots of interesting animals and learnt all sorts of amazing facts. Below are some pictures of what we got up to!



Your child's log in details are in their reading record. 

World Book Day Harry Potter Competition!

In order to win: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone with a magical Harry Potter themed prize. A trip to London to visit Warner Bros. Studio Tour London, the Harry Potter Photographic Exhibition and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child awaits one lucky winner! There are also Harry Potter books and National Book Tokens up for grabs.

You don't need to do anything but fill in this online form. 

Good Luck!

Thackray Museum of Medicine

Year 4 really enjoyed their trip to Thackray yesterday. We had a workshop with a real Victorian teacher, learnt about some real people who lived back in the Victorian times and all about their lives. We had time to look around the museum at all the other medical artifacts and especially enjoyed walking through 'Disease Street'. 

In Science, we have been looking at the different types and functions of our teeth. We carried out an experiment to test what different liquids did to the shell of an egg. The shell of an egg is made of a material very similar to our teeth. We placed 6 eggs into 6 different liquids (Coca Cola, Coke Zero, Milk, Orange Juice, Vinegar and Water) and left them for a week. After a week, we took the eggs out of the liquid to see the effects.

Pictures of our experiment are below:

Year 4 had a great day on Tuesday at the Leeds City Museum. They learnt loads about Ancient Egypt and had the chance to see a REAL MUMMY! Pictures below.

Year 4 had fun today in Science. We re-created the Human Digestive System which resulted in the creation of poo! Ew! See pictures below:

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