All Saint's Richmond Hill Church Of England Primary School

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)


Our SENDCO is Mrs Saville. Appointments with Mrs Saville can be booked by phone or email on:


01132359260 extension 4.


All Saints Primary School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for every child, within an environment that enables every child to be safe, happy and healthy.


Each individual is valued and we seek to enable every child to enjoy their learning and achieve their full potential. Through our planning and provision, we meet the specific needs of individuals and groups of children. Suitable learning targets are set and reviewed by teachers regularly. All staff respond to children's diverse and specific learning needs.


Our school is proud to be fully inclusive and we have a very supportive team that works closely with children and families to identify needs and support.


In March 2014, the Government passed The Children and Families Act that made wide ranging reforms to services for all children and young people, and specifically for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). From September 2014 Local Authorities must publish information about what services for children with SEND are available and how families can access them. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’.


Click the image below to access the Leeds Local Offer.





All schools also have a duty to publish their own individual offer of support for children with SEND and this is known as our ‘core offer’.

Useful links

Below are links to websites which you may find helpful. 



The Inner East Cluster team work with schools and partners to provide targeted all year round support to children and families across the Richmond Hill, Burmantofts, Lincoln Green and Gipton neighbourhoods.  Please click on the logo to go to the website.



Leeds SEND Information Advice Support Service offer information and advice for parents, children and young people with Special Educational Needs.  Please click on the logo to go to the website.



ChatterBug specialises in speech and language therapy for children, working with playgroups, schools, community groups and families. Our dynamic social enterprise takes a flexible, innovative approach to communication difficulties, providing vital support for children, as well as parents and teachers.  Please click on the logo to go to the website. 

Please click here to see parent testimonials.



MindMate help support young people to  understand the way you’re feeling and find the right advice and support.  Please click here  to go to the MindMate website.





Our SEND Governor is Mrs Pam Caveen.  If you would like to speak to her please contact the school.


If you require any further information about SEND at All Saints' C of E Primary school, please contact our SENDCo (Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) Mrs Samantha Saville on 01132359260 option 4.