All Saint's Richmond Hill Church Of England Primary School

Year one - Year uno - Year une - Year ett - Year einer

Year okan - Year um - Year hade - Year jeden

Our Year 1 team: 

Class teacher- Mrs Harling

Teaching assistants- Miss Oates, Miss Saleem

Year 2024-25

Welcome to the Year 1 class page for the year 2024-25. We will update this page regularly but there are many resources already on here for phonics, literacy and maths already. 


Below are the curriculum letters for the year so you can see what you can be doing to help your child through that half term. 


Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursday, so please make your child comes to school in their PE kit. On Mondays and Thursdays, we will be changing reading books. Please make sure you sign and date every time your child reads, in their reading record, otherwise their book will not get changed. Reading is super important for the children and will help with their phonics, so please have an adult listen to your child read whenever possible.


Thank you!




Plants! Plants! Plants!

Today, Year 1 recycled some milk cartons to use as plant pots! The children planted variety of plants and herbs for us to put in our outside area. It will be up to the children to make sure they survive! After learning all about what plants need to grow and survive, I'm sure the children will do a fantastic job of looking after them! We can't wait to see them flower!

Up the beanstalk! 

To introduce our theme book, Jack and the Beanstalk, the children had to come together to make their own beanstalk! The children joined all their pieces together and then it was placed on our display. Look how well it turned out!

Abbey House

With our theme being all about toys, we went a trip to Abbey House to explore the history of toys. The children took part in a workshop where they learnt all about the history of toys and even got to play with some toys! We looked at toys as old as 200 years, all the to present day ones!



Thackray Museum

The children went the Thackray Museum and took part in a Victorian workshop as part of their launch day! We were able to look at and handle Victorian toys and objects. Afterwards, the children were able to dress up as Victorians and explore the old, Victorian street!

Pizza Express

A few photos from our trip to Pizza Express! The children loved making their own pizzas, but not as much as eating them!

Meet the Creature

This half term, we had a visit from Lee, who delivers workshops on creatures and their habitats. The children got to look at and hold different animals. They then had to work out if they were a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore!






Summer 2 Curriculum Letter

Summer 1 Curriculum Letter

Curriculum Letter Spring 2

Curriculum Letter Spring 1

Curriculum Letter Autumn 2

Curriculum Letter Autumn 1

Curriculum Letter Summer 2

Curriculum letter Summer 1

Spring 2 Curriculum Letter

Curriculum Letter - Spring 1 - 2022-23

I have uploaded the phonics slides that we use in school. These would be great for your child to keep checking back with over the Summer holidays..

Summer 2 Curriculum Letter

Summer 1 Curriculum Letter and Knowledge Mat 

Spring 2 Curriculum Letter

Spring 1 Curriculum Letter

Knowledge Mat Spring 1

Toys, Toys, Toys  -  Autumn 2  - Year 1

This half term in Year 1 our theme is Toys, Toys, Toys. Please look below at the curriculum letter and the knowledge matt which will give you some ideas on direction on the things you can do to help your child in the upcoming half term.

Curriculum letter Year 1 Autumn 2

Come on England - Come on England - Come on England - Come on England - Come on England

Summer 2 Curriculum Letter and Knowledge Matt

Curriculum Letter Summer 1 

Friday 22nd January

Maths - Monday January 18th 

A great live lesson this morning Year 1. I forgot to record it!! Sorry. Please do your red group, blue group or yellow group questions dated 27/02/2020. 

Bug Readers - Update on how to use

Writing Task - Monday 18th January

Phonics - Monday 18th January

Good Morning - Monday 18th January

Thursday 14th January

Music 14th January

Maths 14th January

Phonics 14th January

Good Morning Year 1 - January 14th

Wednesday 13th January

Tuesday 12th January

Maths - January 12th


Video lesson with work sheets attached below.

PE January 12th

Hello Year 1, time to get active in our PE lesson today. This half term was supposed to be the dance competition in school where all the classes learn a dance and show them to the rest of the children in All Saints. Sadly we won't be able to do it this year. Last year, Year 1 learnt this dance and it would be great if we could all try to learn it again. We learn't it in very small parts each week and then put it all together at the end. Pause the video at the end of each move and have a practice. I would love to see your videos and hopefully we can all do the dance together at the end of the half term in a live lesson (yes I said it!).

Monday 11th January

Hi Year 1, I hope you had a wonderful weekend in the snow. I am away at hospital with Jemima today, but if you message me on Class Dojo with any problems, I will get back to you as soon as I can. All of today's lessons, videos and resources are below. 

Friday 8th January

Well done Year 1 and Parents and Carers, you are doing a brilliant job. Thanks for your efforts and patience this week in truly testing times. Here are a few examples of the great work I have been receiving. I think the song fits perfectly. Have a great weekend, keep smiling, much love Mr James.

Thursday January 7th

Good morning Year 1, this is our timetable which will begin from next week. Please log in to Google Classrooms for the live lessons if you can. Much love, Mr James.

Wednesday January 6th

Hi everyone, I hope you have managed to watch the Emma Jane Aeroplane story that I posted earlier. Here is a little bit of writing I would like you to do with it. I look forward to seeing your work, and please excuse my handwriting!

Morning year 1, this will be our class story for the next few weeks. It is all about a young girl who travels around the world in her plane. She picks up all sorts of interesting friends on the way. Watch it a few times, and hopefully you will be able to join in at the end of the week. We will be doing some writing about this later on today.

Wednesday 6th January

Today's maths Powerpoint and worksheet is posted below if you have not yet been able to pick up your pack.

Enter text...

Wednesday 6th January

After today's maths lesson I have included this document which has number problems using four operations. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We are only just beginning to look at multiplication and division, but getting into the routine of doing these types of sums is great practice and helps your child's fluency. There are three levels of difficulty, your child should know what group they are in. If they are unsure, just let them have a go at the colour they feel most comfortable with. 

I just want to add this. This is an incredibly difficult and stressful time for you all. Go easy on yourselves. Do what you can, when you can. I know you have your children's best interests at heart and I know first hand just how tricky it can be trying to teach one, never mind two or three children at home. Everybody can only do their best. Message me whenever you need to, nothing is too small of a problem, day or indeed night. Whenever you get a seconds rest! We are in this together and will all come out of this smiling one day in the future. Good luck, take care, keep safe and keep smiling. Much love, Mr James

Lockdown January 2021

Good evening everyone, tomorrow will be the start of our online learning tomorrow. I was hoping to set the days out as follows.

9:15am Live welcome to the day and explanation of what we will be doing during the day. Children will be visible to me and can ask questions when their hand is raised. I will unmute them to ask their questions. This will be the link to join:

Year 1 Morning Meet Up

I am sure there will be some teething problems at first so you may have to bear with me a little. Fingers crossed:

10:00am Maths (recorded lesson so or child can stop and start where they need to)

11am Literacy (recorded lesson so or child can stop and start where they need to)

12pm Lunch

1:30pm Creative time or theme time. Our theme learning mats are inside the books so we will often do something linked to that. Some of these lessons will be live, but I will let you know the day before.

I will set some spellings at the start of the week and do a 'live spelling test' at the end of each week.

I am sure this will be tough for many of you during this time, and indeed I know the challenges of home learning myself. However, we are all in this together and with some patience, enthusiasm and a smile I'm sure we can make sure the children are in an excellent position to return to school, whenever that is.

I look forward to maybe seeing of you tomorrow, and don't worry if it doesn't run can always blame me!

As always, you can message me on Class dojo, google classroom or at

Take care, much love, Mr James


Spring 1

Spring 1 - Map it Out! - Curriculum letter

Spring 1 - Map it Out! - Knowledge Mat

Autumn 2

Autumn 1

Temporary Bubble Closure of Year 1

Bubble Burst - As you will no doubt be aware, we have sadly to sadly close our Year 1 bubble for a temporary period. During this time I will be posting work on this year 1 page of the school website. Our main focus this half term has been on counting up to 100, adding, subtracting, composing sentences, phonics and reading. If you are able to do the work posted on here with your child then this will be of great help to them, and indeed me, during this short period. Phonic sounds are particularly important to keep on top of so if you scroll down to the phonics section of the page I have put PDF's and Powerpoints of the set 1, 2 and 3 sounds for you.  I hope you all stay safe and well and am thinking of you and your children at this difficult time.

Much love, Mr James.

Well Done Everyone!
The children have worked really hard over these two weeks. Thank you to children, parents, carers and brothers and sisters. You have done a fantastic job!


Morning Year 1, hopefully our last day of online learning today. Enjoy the work today, but even more importantly ENJOY THE WEEKEND! Look forward to seeing you all soon. Much love, Mr James.

16/10/2020 - Literacy

Lets take a trip to the beach today Year 1. Have a look at this picture and the vocabulary that goes with it and write a sentence or sentences about what you can see.

16/10/2020 - Maths

Have a go at these maths word problems. The blue ones are a little trickier than the yellow ones so choose the best challenge for you.

15/10/2020 - Learning Videos

Hi Year 1, I have added some of the video links to the videos we have been watching in class. Have a quick watch to refresh your memory. Looking forwards to seeing you all on Monday. Much love, Mr James.

Ziggy Counting in 2s

Greater Than, Less Than

UK Countries and Capitals

Continents Song

15/10/2020 - Literacy

Good morning Year 1. I loved your stories and sentences about why the banana became a giant banana, so here is another crazy picture for you. What made this dog turn green? Get your thinking caps on and tell me what you think happened to this poor dog.

15/10/2020 - Maths

Hi year 1, I have added some maths underneath. The 'Add and subtract 1's' is a little trickier than the 'How many left' work so choose the one you think is best for you. There are videos to go with all of the work so pause the videos where you need to or watch back if you are not sure about something. There are also the maths mats on this page if you want to try one of them. Any problems, just ask. Much love, Mr James


Good morning Year 1. Sorry about my NOISY children!

14/10/2020 - Maths

Good morning Year 1, how are you all today? I have attached some maths activity mats for you to have a go at today. You have been working so hard that some of you have done all of the maths sheets I have been sending out. For this one just try one and maybe at the most two each day. The questions cover a lot of different topics but we have covered most of them in school this half term. Any problems ask and adult, and if you can't find an adult then ask me. Much love, Mr James.

14/10/2020 - Phonics

Good morning Year 1, here are the phonics lessons for today. Remember all of the phonics sound cards are on the school website. I have attached them below also and also our roll and read sheets.


Set 1 Sounds

Set 2 Sounds

Set 3 Sounds

14/10/2020 - Literacy

Get your thinking caps on Year 1, it's time to use your imagination! Tell me, how do you think this banana got so HUGE! It's bigger than the little boy. Was it magic? Was it an accident? Did some body pour something on it? Has the boy shrunk? Whatever you think it is then tell me all about it. You can write your story down or tell it to an adult and they can write it for you. Whatever you do, let me know. Much love, Mr James.


Good morning Year 1, I hope you are all well this morning. You certainly have been busy and it has been great for me to receive all the work you have been doing. Great job guys! Today I have attached two videos and two work sheets for maths. There is one comparing number bonds to 10 and then some work comparing number sentences. Try the number binds to 10 work first and if you are really confident have a go at the number sentences work. Also have a look at the link from yesterday for the Daily10 work. Have another go at ordering numbers and number bonds. It is super practice. Let me know if you need any help or have any problems. Much love, Mr James

13/10/2020 Phonics

Hi Year 1, I have attached some phonics lessons below for you to help you practice your phonics. The set 1 phonics sounds are for children in Mrs Fotherby's or Miss Jowett's phonics grouop. The set 2 sounds are for the children in Mr James's phonics group. The set 3 sounds are for the children in Miss Oates's phonics group.

Set 1 Sounds

Set 2 Sounds

Set 3 Sounds

13/10/2020  Science and Literacy

Have a go at these two games and then draw a picture of an animal that is a herbivore, omnivore or carnivore and write down all the things that your animal would eat.
Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore Game 1
Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore Game 2


Good morning year 1. I have done an online lesson that is attached below. Have a go at writing a description of the picture at the end of the video. If you are finding it a little tricky, you could draw a picture and label it with some adjectives. Hope you are all well, see you soon. Much love, Mr James.

Maths 12/10/2020

Maths Challenge 12/10/2020

Maths Challenge

Grab a pencil and paper and click on the link below. The online lesson explains what you need to do. Much love, Mr James.

Daily 10


Good morning Year 1. I have posted our first online lesson for maths which is about part-whole models. The work sheet is attached and I have also attached a challenge sheet if you would like to try something trickier. There are also two links below for online games that use part whole models.

Units Part Whole Model Games

Tens and Ones Part Whole Model Games

Take care, keep safe, see you soon. Much love, Mr James.


Good morning Year 1, I hope you have had some breakfast and are ready to do some work. Today we are looking at number bonds up to 20 and if that is a little tricky I have put on some number bonds to 10 work here too. There are videos to go with the work, so you can stop and pause the video as you go. I have also put up some sentence matching sheets that we have done before. Try to match the picture to the sentence by drawing a line to connect the right answers. We have been learning about all different types of animals this half term and today we are going to look at the habitats they live in. Watch the video I have put below and then try to draw me a picture of any animal you like in its own habitat. I would love it of you could write some sentences about why your animal lives in that habitat. Any problems you can message me here, on Class Dojo or just email. Take care Year 1, keep safe and keep smiling. Much love, Mr James.

Oxford Owl Reading - Free - Free - Free

Please click on the picture to access the Oxford Owl reading scheme. There are lots and lots of books that your child can read on line using this login.

Remember to click on 'My class login' when logging in.

Username: yearoneas

Password: Allsaints


Register Time - Voices Off

Just because we are not in school, doesn't mean we can't do the register. Send me a pic, video or message to let me know you are here!

Geography Challenge 07/10/2020

Click on the picture to play a game where you can label the countries and capital cities in the UK. Try and get 8 out of 8!

Class Competition  07/10/2020

 Reverend Rob has messaged me and asked if Year 1 could draw a poster that makes you think about All Saints School. It could show all of the amazing things that come into your head when you think about All Saints. Make sure you write all the things you think about when you think about school too. The winner will get their picture on Reverend Robs Facebook page. How exciting! Get to work Year 1.

Maths 07/10/2020

We have been looking at place value using place value grids, ten sticks and tens frames. Today we are going to look at place value on a number line. I have put an extra challenge sheet at the end to really test you. Choose one of the sheets you think is a challenge to you and use your pace value learning to help you. Any problems just ask.

Literacy 07/10/2020

Good morning Year 1, I hope you are all safe and well. Today I would like you to try and retell the story in our class book, The Ugly Five. I know some of you may find this is a little tricky, so if you think that may be a little much for you then why don't you draw one of the pictures from The Ugly Five and tell me what is happening in it? If you have forgotten the story, how could you we have read it so many times, I have put a video of my friend reading it to you here to remind you. Don't forget to visit the website to see all the other work that is up there, and if you haven't already ask your Mummy or Daddy or whoever looks after you to send there email addresses to me or message me at so we can get your username and password to you. Take care Year 1, miss you and much love, Mr James.

Literacy 06/10/2020

The warthog from The Ugly Five has left you a message below Year 1. Listen to what he tells you and then try to write some sentences to describe the animals in the pictures.

Maths 06/10/2020

We are looking at numbers 11-20 and how we can make number bonds to 20. Watch the powerpoint and see if you can answer the questions. I have also attached our place value lesson for this week. Have a go at counting the tens column and the units column and tell me what the number is.

Our theme for Autumn 1 is Sensational Safari. During this theme we will be looking at animals that we would find on safari in Africa. Our theme will guide us a lot in our literacy where we will be looking at writing postcards from safari, wanted posters and thank you letters to a school hero. In maths we will be getting to grips with counting, addition and subtraction. These are the key building blocks in year 1 and we are going to hit the ground running with our number work this half term. In science we will be sorting and classifying different animals. We will look at herbivores, carnivores and omnivores as well as thinking about reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds and fish. We will be learning about Rosa Parks and why she is such an important figure in history, learning about continents and oceans in geography, talking about why Christians believe in God and much, much more. It's an exciting time to be in year 1 for sure. We can't wait to get learning.  Click on the images below to download our curriculum letter for this term and to find out how you can help with your child's learning this half term.

Mr James


The set 1, 2 and 3 phonics sounds are so important in KS1. Click on the picture below to download and view all of the set 1,2 and 3 phonics sounds. 

Set 1, 2 and 3 Powepoint

Set 1, 2 and 3 PDF 

Meet-A-Creature Day

Wow! We really have some brave children in year 1. Mr Meet-A-Creature came into year 1 so we could touch, hold and learn all about animals from countries all over the world. We held tarantulas, snakes, lizards and much much more. It was an amazing day.

Mr James's Tuesday Teaser


Click on he link below to sign up to ClassDojo

Useful Links This is free for a month so you can download outdoor learning challenges for your age group. There are books for them to read and videos to watch everyday. Phonics play is free for March.

Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.

Creative computer programming

Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos

National Geographic Kids
Activities and quizzes for younger kids.

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Mystery Science
Free science lessons

The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos

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