In physical education children take part in a wide variety of activities. They learn that being active is fun and that it is important to lead an active lifestyle.
In Nursery children learn and explore basic movement skills allowing them to develop both fine and gross motor skills. At Key Stage one children experience dance, games, athletics and gymnastics. At Key Stage two in addition to those taught earlier, pupils also have lessons in swimming and outdoor/adventurous activities.
In gymnastics children use the large apparatus which enables them to develop their gross motor skills (climbing, jumping, balance etc). We play a wide variety of team games and during fine weather we take advantage of our playing field for outdoor activities of many kinds. Lessons involving the use of small apparatus (bats, balls, skipping ropes etc) develop the children's fine motor skills, such as catching, throwing and hand/eye co-ordination. Team games develop cooperation, team work and communication.
We have used some of our Sports Funding money to allow Year 5 to go swimming once a week. This is in addition to Year 4 who already go swimming. The programme includes water confidence, safety and stroke technique.
The school also runs a wide variety afterschool clubs which are led by our enthusiastic and committed staff. A list of these can be found on the Parents page of this website.
A copy of our PE timetable can be found on the site. On PE days please can you ensure you child brings an appropriate kit, this includes: shorts, T-shirt, jogging trousers and jumper if preferred/depending on the weather and pumps or trainers. Please could you also make sure your child removes any jewellery, including earrings, if possible please could you show your child how to take their earring out and put them back in.
PE and Sports Premium Funding:
Please see links below on how we use the PE and Sports Premium Funding