All Saint's Richmond Hill Church Of England Primary School

Online Safety Advice from West Yorkshire Police: 

Click here to view West Yorkshire Police's E-Safety Advice.

West Yorkshire Police has teamed up with the NSPCC, Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in West Yorkshire to encourage parents and carers to have a five minute chat with children to keep them safe online.

A quick discussion with young people about the sites and apps they are using and the people they are talking to online, could help protect them from any potential cyber criminals.

The internet can be an amazing place for children, so they shouldn’t be discouraged from using it, but parents should remind them that people may not always be who they say they are, and they should talk to their parents about what they are doing online. 

It can seem daunting for some parents, trying to keep up with the latest technology that their children are using, so the following websites and helplines can offer simple, practical advice on how to keep everyone safe online:


NSPCC and O2 helpline

If you have a question about parental controls or concern about a social network that your child uses, expert advisors are available on the free helpline – 0808 8005002


Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership – 


Keep Safe Online!

Here are our Online Safety Rules:

  • I only go online when a grown up says I can.
  • I am kind online.
  • I keep information about me safe.
  • I only talk to people I know in real life.
  • I tell a grown up if something online makes me unhappy or scared.
  • I only open files from people I know.
  • I know how to block people online.
  • I can not go on social networking sites such as Facebook until I am 13.

The following paragraph has been taken directly from Facebook:

 Facebook requires everyone to be at least 13 years old before they can create an account (in some jurisdictions, this age limit may be higher). Creating an account with false info is a violation of our terms. This includes accounts registered on the behalf of someone under 13.

For more information, please visit


Online Safety during Covid-19


Talking to your child about Sexual Harassment

This is a document about how to keep your children safe oline




Reporting Nudes

The NSPCC have introduced a new Report Remove tool whereby children, young people and adults can report nude images of them that are circulating social media and ensure they are taken down.


The tool can be accessed here.

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