Hi Year 6,
Here is an online learning pack for any children that are self-isolating. You can also scroll down this page, which is full of lots of work. If you have any worries about anything, please email me through the class 6 email address.
This pack includes maths, grammar and punctuation and also some reading.
Year 6 Home Learning
Each day I will be updating this page with activities and work that your child can complete from home. A pack of resources has been sent home so that your child has the resources to complete the work. Children have also been given an email address so that they can contact a member of staff if they are struggling with any work provided.
Please check in each day as answers to previous work will be uploaded and new work will be provided on a daily basis.
Don't worry if you are struggling to keep up - just do what you can, and please make sure that you plan in time to rest, relax and socialise online with friends. Enjoy this new way of learning and remember, we are here if you have any worries.
Mrs Ingham, Miss Gillies, Miss Coggan
Please note, if your child works with Miss Savillie for Literacy, your work will be on Miss Saville's 'Year 6 Group' on the Home Learning page. However, please check into this page from time-to-time for other activities that you will be able to access for theme work.
If your child works in the Nurture Group, please go to the Nurture Group on the Home Learning page.
If your child is in Miss Green's group for maths, they will have been issued a learning pack to start and they have their own page called Miss Green's Maths Group in the Home Learning box.
Click on the link below for ideas of activities and how to organise your learning during the current school closures.
Working at home: Organising your learning, organising your day
Click on the image below to be directed to our school collective worship. You will be able to listen to stories, songs and join us in our prayers.
Lesson 4 each day is to spread a little love. Remember to try and do this each day. You could do something nice for someone: send them a letter, send a message, say a prayer for someone or complete part of our Lent challenge. It is the little things that mean the most!
Click on the image below to get advice on how to look after your mind and body during the pandemic.
Good morning. We hope you've enjoyed the sunshine this weekend. We are all missing you so much and have decided to send you some love. Click the image below to watch our little video. It would be great if you could make a short film and pass it back to us with your paper aeroplane. Can't wait to catch your messages and continue the journey around our class. Love Mrs Ingham, Miss Gillies and Mrs Coggan. xxx
Watch below to see who has passed on the aeroplane and sent their love.
Sorry for the delay - we have finally managed to upload the winning story ending by Esrom onto the website. I am sure you will agree that it is was worth the wait. Esrom has written a superb ending to the story which is filled with suspense. Well done to a very worthy winner and well done to all the other entries. It was such a difficult decision in choosing a winner.
Week beginning 29th June 2020
This week's literacy work is related to the PowerPoint above. This is a great short story - although it is a little creepy. Follow the link to watch the film 'Alma' and then try out the activities on the slideshow.
There are lots of opportunities for writing related to the film and you could try writing any of the following or even think of a genre of your own. See the list below:
- Write a description of the setting
- Tell the story and create your own ending (3rd person or the 1st person)
- Dramatise one section of the story - describing events in detail
- Write a newspaper report of the disappearance of Alma or related to the incidents in the shop with possibly the arrest of the shopkeeper.
- Create a missing person poster
Sex Related Education: Loving Relationships
Have a go at creating a recipe for a loving relationship.
Recipe for a loving relationship
Sex Related Education: Sexual Relationships
Read the PowerPoint and then try to answer the questions below. If you have any problems, please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Sex Related Education: Reproduction
Using the sheets below, try to sequence the stages of reproduction.
Images for comic strip
Blank comic strip
Week beginning 15th June 2020
This week's Literacy activities are all linked to the PowerPoint above. Begin by reading through the information, following the links and watching the short films. Also follow the links to find out where you can get support with any of the issues or worries you may have related to the PowerPoint.
Download the attached document and think about the issues that are raised. Over the next week, answer the questions and carry out the activities and challenges in this document.
Create a poster promoting justice and equality.
Make up a leaflet or a PowerPoint explaining to others how we can all stand up for people being treated unfairly around the world.
Statue in Leeds City Centre
There has been lots of information in the news this week, about statues being taken down as they promote and celebrate the lives of people that have contributed to the suffering of black people in the past.
- What do you think should happen to these statues?
- If they are completely destroyed, how will we remember what happened in the past?
- Could this lead to people forgetting about the awful things that have happened in the past?
- How might this impact on our future lives?
Statues are erected to help others remember them in the future. They are usually people that have been seen to make a difference in the world or that have done something amazing. However, as we look at some of the statues in our country today, we realise they may have been influential people, but for the wrong reasons.
Can you choose a person of influence, that you think deserves a statue of them being created and put up in Leeds City Square.
- Who do you think should be remembered in this way?
- If you were to choose a statue to stand in Leeds City Square, who would you choose?
- Give reasons for your choice and explain how they will make a positive contribution in the future by being remembered.
Songwriters often write songs about emotional events in their lives. It helps to release their feelings and their words create images of these feelings. Could you write a song about the events happening around the death of George Floyd?
To write a prayer related to the PowerPoint above.
- Will you pray for the people whom are suffering and being treated unfairly?
- Will you pray for a world where racism does not exist?
- Will you pray for those people that commit these crimes and that they will become better people?
Newspaper Report
We are seeing lots of very upsetting newsreports of violence, hatred, destruction at the moment. Could you write a newspaper report of something good that is happening in the world at the moment; something that involves difference races coming together and supporting one another.
Video links to support this week's learning.
Week beginning 1st June 2020
Goodmorning All,
I hope you have enjoyed your half term holidays and are ready to get back to learning. You will notice that I have put work up for the week instead of daily. This is because some children will be back in school this week, so if you begin back at school next week, you will be working from home on the activities on the website. Those who are in school this week, will do activities in school and will complete this work next week. Some children are not returning to school; if you are one of these children, you will complete these activities over 2 weeks and will need to watch out for some of the school activities over the next 2 weeks being uploaded. Due to the work being on a 2 weekly cycle, answers will not go up until the following week so remember to go back and mark your work at a later date. Have a great week and remember we are here to help if you have any issues. Mrs Ingham x
This week's writing activities are linked to the short animation above called 'The Lighthouse'. Click on the links below which will give you instructions of the writing activities..
Day 1 questions and activities.
Comic strip or if you prefer, you can create your own version.
Day 2 questions and activities.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - choose a genre that you would like to complete. Below are some ideas to get you started.
Other activities to complete after watching the clip:
• Write a newspaper report about the event.
Include interviews with lighthouse keeper, villagers and men from the boat.
• Write some dialogue for the film and advance the action.
• Write a recount of the events.
• Write a description of the lighthouse on the rocks.
• Research a history of lighthouses.
• Find out about Grace Darling.
• Create a collage of a lighthouse on the rocks.
Follow the link below to revise equivalent fractions and then try the sheets below.
Week beginning 18th May 2020
Happy Friday everyone,
I hope you've all had a great week and that you are ready for a week off school work. I am so proud of all of you for your perseverance during lockdown and the way that you have kept plodding on with the work. Keep checking into your emails so that I can keep you updated on what is happening about our return to school. Also remember you can still email me if you have any worries, questions or simply to have a chat. Please keep sending in your videos - I love to watch them and I am looking forward to seeing your news reports at some point tomorrow. Hopefully I will see some of you on June 1st.
Keep safe and keep smiling,
Love Mrs Ingham x
Big maths - week 1 test 13
Miss Coggan's Group
Big maths - week 1 test 7
test 8
Grammar - revise use of the semicolon
Follow the link below and try out the online activities to practise using the semicolon.
Good morning. You will notice that today I have put up work for today and also tomorrow as I am in school this week. If you have any issues, please contact the class 6 email address and Miss Coggan will be able to answer any questions. Well done on all your hard work and I hope to speak to you at some point today.
Mrs Ingham x
Over the next few days, your task is to plan and write up a newspaper report on the disappearance of Francis Brandywine. Once you have finished, why not be a newsreporter and read your report out on the evening news.
- Use the slides below to help you to plan your ideas.
- Use the planning format that we have used in school to help you to organise your ideas.
- Use the slides for a range of phrases that you can use to help you to adopt the tone of a journalist.
- Think about the evidence that police may have found at the crime scene.
- Watch the video carefully and take notes of all the things that may be used as evidence: her shoes, cigarette, diary
- Also think about the people you may interview as a reporter: friends, campers, parents, park ranger, dog walkers
What impact have humans had on plants and animals?
In this lesson, we will look at how humans have changed over time and use the theory of evolution to explain these changes. Learning how to make and use tools, shelter, fire and language has enabled humans to spread all over the world. We will start to look at the impact that humans have had on some species of plants and animals. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson.
Numeracy - Arithmetic
Answers on sheet
- Time Revision
Grammar - relative clauses
Revise relative clauses and try to use some in today's writing. Watch the video below and then complete the online activities further down the page. Good luck.
Continue our work on 'Francis'. Watch the film by following the link below and then complete today's writing.
Can you write a short summary explaining what has happened at the beginning of the story? Listen to the style of the narrator and try to rewrite the beginning of the story in his style. Use your descriptions from your research yesterday when describing the setting. Also use the slides below to help you get started; remember to make it your own and try to create the voice of a campfire story!
Literacy - Reading Prediction Skills
This is the beginning of a story. Can you predict what it might be about?
Who is Francis?
What happened to her?
Who is telling the story?
What is Quetico Park?
Listen to the beginning of the film. Stop the film at 1:05 minutes.
This is a real place. Search 'Quetico Provincial Park' on the internet and use this to find out what the park is like. Answer the questions below and collect adjectives to describe the park.
Begin to write a short description of the park. You could write it as a persuasive leaflet, encouraging people to visit this beauty spot.
Which organisms lived during each era of time?
Click the link below to take part in this Science lesson where you will find out about which animals lived at different times in history and what happened to them.
Week beginning 11th May 2020
Watch actor and TV presenter Stephen Fry read an extract from Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief.
Think about the following:
What do you notice about this style of writing?
What impression do you have of Percy so far?
What do you think about this as an opening for a book?
Now watch Stephen read the second extract from Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief and think about the following:
What do you notice about the language in this extract?
What happens to Percy’s pen?
Do you think Percy feels confident?
Do you think Percy was responsible for what happens?
What are the different animal kingdoms?
Click below to take part in the next lesson.
Hi All, Thanks to those of you that have put your orders in for hoodies. If you still haven't let Mrs Gillies know which colour and size you would like, then please get your order in today so that we can get them ordered. Also a great big thankyou to James for sending in your video; if you haven't yet seen it, then go to Year 6 Has Talent to watch it. Please keep sending in your work - I love to see what you have been up to.
Also the winner of the storywriting competition was Esrom, and I am just waiting for his film to add to the end of the story. Thanks so much for the entries; it was so difficult to choose as they were all absolutely amazing. Well done to you all.
Mrs Ingham x
Numeracy Arithmetic
Answers on page
Dividing decimals work including reasoning
Problems of the Day
Literacy Using the picture below of the house on the hill, I would like you to write an advertisement to try and sell the house. Remember, your advertisement will need to be persuasive, so you will need to pick out the positives or turn the negatives into positives.
Use one of these sheets to help organise your ideas. (sheet 2)
Send me your advertisement and I will pick out the best advertisements and post them on the website or you could do an imaginary tour around the house and send in your recording.
Science How do fossils provide evidence for evolution?
Follow the link below to lesson 2 on Evolution.
Happy Wednesday everybody. I hope you've been working your way through the activities and enjoying your learning. It's great to see that so many of you are continuing to work hard at this strange time. Please send in your poems from yesterday - I would love to see how you are feeling about not doing your SATs! Even better, I would love to see you performing them. If you don't want it uploading on the website, just let me know. Keep working hard - keep your body fit and keep doing a good deed each day.
Mrs Ingham x
Try to use some colons and semicolons in today's writing. If you've forgotten how to use them, follow the following link.
The house on the hill
It seemed like a lifetime since I had last visited the house on the hill, but I knew deep in my heart, that one day it would draw me back to it – like a magnet it both repelled and attracted me.
Grey, desolate and windswept, the house perched ominously in the gloom. Alone and miserable, I stood staring at it, not wanting to go back inside…but I had to, I had no choice.
Gradually, my feet dragging through the long, soaking grass, I climbed the hill, eventually reaching the front door. I stared… sighed… summoned the courage… before knocking loudly.
Inference Questions
1. What is the house like? Which words or phrases describe it?
2. How old do you think the narrator is? Why do you think this?
3. Why do you think the narrator has returned?
4. Who do you think lives in the house? Or is it empty ?
5. Why might the narrator not want to knock on the door?
Can you complete the 100 Word Challenge by writing the next 100 words of the story?
The page is empty... the ending is unknown... what will the next 100 words be?
Follow the link below to a lesson where you will learn about Evolution. This lesson will look at Darwin’s observations from his trip on the HMS Beagle. You will then put all his observations together to see how Darwin came up with his theory. His theory is called evolution. We will apply this new knowledge to two other examples of evolution, mice and giraffes.
Literacy Write up your poem using your brainstorm from yesterday. Once finished, why not perform it and send your videoto me. I can't wait to see them.
Reading The Mystery of the Colour Thief
Maths Arithmetic
Answers on sheet
Multiplying and dividing by 100 1000 etc.
Problem of the Day
RE Learn all about how and why Muslims participate in the month of Ramadan and how they celebrate at the end of the month with Eid ul-Fitr.
Ramadan is a brilliant time to reflect on things that make you grateful and happy. Download and print this worksheet to record positive thoughts for the month.
Test your knowledge of the month of Ramadan with this worksheet . You could use this information to create a page in your learning journal or to make a powerpoint.
Hi everyone, It is really strange to think that today would've been the beginning of your SATs. So today, I have set some fun tests for you to have a go at; they are pretty silly, but will be fun for you to try out. Give them a go and then get an adult to mark them or you could try and work out your score yourself!
I hope you all managed to enjoy VE Day and that you managed to carry out some of the activities that I set for you. It would be lovely to receive some of your photographs.
Literacy Here is a poem all about SATs; read the poem and I would like you to begin a brainstorm about how you feel about SATs and the fact that you aren't doing them. Start to collect a range of phrases, vocabulary and ideas that you could include in your own poem. You could also begin to collect images that could decorate your poem: either clipart, sketches or cartoons.
Read this poem and begin planning your own poem, ready to write up and perform tomorrow.
Grammar Mark my test
Reading Silly SATs
Maths Silly SATs
Learn about trade and economic activity including export and import, supply and demand.
This lesson includes:
one video introducing trade including export and import
one video introducing economic activity including supply and demand
three activities to build on the knowledge
Follow the following link to find out how trade works around the world. Then try out these activities and quiz at the end of this lesson to test your knowledge.
Week beginning 4th May 2020
Thursday (Activities to keep you busy Thursday and Friday)
Tomorrow is VE Day and our writing activity is linked to Churchill's famous VE Day speech. You can listen to the speech by clicking on this image or you can read the speech by following this link. As you read the speech, pick out any unfamiliar words and follow our reading skills to try and work out what they mean, or you could use a dictionary app to find out the meanings.
Activity pack for a VE Day party (songs, recipes, dances)
Literacy Task
You can rewrite Churchill's speech for the people of today and record yourself presenting it to the nation.
You could write a speech signalling the end of lockdown. What might Boris Johnson say to the nation at the end of Lockdown. Follow Churchill's style as you write and present your very own speech.
You could make invitations to invite people to your social distancing VE Day party/picnic
What is morse code?
More code, invented by Samuel Morse, takes the letters of the alphabet and replaces them with a combination of dashes and dots.
You can create these dashes and dots using long and short sounds, long and short light flashes, or just by writing them on paper. You can translate these back into normal letters using a guide like the one above. (Or, if you're really good at memorising stuff, you can learn the whole code!)
Follow the link by clicking the picture and try and solve the morse code message. When you have done this, try making your own message for a friend or family member to solve.
To plan a VE Day party/picnic for your street whilst taking special care to plan for 'social distancing'. Think about what you will eat, drink, songs that you might sing, decorations and timings etc.
You will need to make a timetable of the daily events as there are lots of special moments planned within the day.
How will you invite people to the party?
What will they need to do?
What will other people need to do?
Planning sheet
Click the image below to see the powerpoint
Art To make your own VE Day bunting and flags to decorate your garden or street. Click the link below for a template.
Click the image below to follow the Newsround link that will tell you why we are celebrating VE Day on Friday. Follow the link to collect information about VE Day and you could use this information to make a page in your Learning Log or a powerpoint. You can find out further information by following this link too.
Hi Guys, I would love to receive your videos of any talents you have been practising this week. You can upload videos by downloading the app 'Teams', which is part of Microsoft 365. You will then need to login with your email address and you can send quite large videos by clicking on 'chat' and then attaching your videos via the paperclip and selecting video. It is really easy!
Follow the link below to see some of our videos.
Literacy (Reading and Writing) - Eldorado part 4
Follow the link below to listen to the story and to take part in the fourth online lesson where you will be filming yourself reading out your work and acting out your story so far.
Think about what you will wear, where you will film your scene and practise acting out the scene first. Once it is finished you can follow the instructions online to add your voice over. It would be great if you could send me your videos via Teams - I'd love to see them.
Fun Science
Why not give this Science experiment a go. Try it out and then carry out some research to try and understand what is happening.
Numeracy Arithmetic
Answers on sheet
Properties of shape revision
Literacy (Reading and Writing) - Eldorado part 3
Follow the link below to listen to the story and to take part in the third online lesson where you will be writing up and editing your characters and writing up your character introductions. Use the slides below to help and listen to the tips on the video to help you think up more ideas. Good luck - I can't wait to see your ideas.
Grammar - Hyphens
Follow the link below to find out how to use the hyphen and the dash. Carry out the online activity and click here to complete a written activity using the hypen.
Vertebrates Follow the link below to learn all about vertebrates and invertebrates.
Animals can be classified as either vertebrates or invertebrates.
Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone inside their body. The major groups include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Invertebrates don't have a backbone. They either have a soft body, like worms and jellyfish, or a hard outer casing covering their body, like spiders and crabs.
Follow this link to BBC Bitesize and try out the online quiz to test your knowledge.
Watch Oti Mabuse read the first extract and think about the following.
- How well do Kat and Ted get on as siblings?
- What does Dad think about Aunt Glo?
- Why does Ted laugh along even though he is not sure what is funny?
Follow the link below to read and watch extract 1 and answer the following questions.
Read Extract 1 again and consider what we learn about the different characters.
Sometimes we need to read between the lines to know what a character is thinking or to explain how they are behaving.
Answer the questions below.
- When Ted asks Kat a question she replies with, “Huh?” What does this tell us about Kat?
When Kat asks Ted what he thinks of Aunt Glo, he replies, “I don’t know.” Use the text to explain why he is not sure about his answer.
Explain why Ted laughs along at the end of the extract even though he is not sure what is funny.
Numeracy Big Maths (test 11 week 2)
Miss Coggan's group Big Maths (Check 4 week 2)
(Check 3 week 2)
Try to beat your scores guys!
Numeracy Arithmetic
Answers on sheet
BODMAS investigation
The clues that they should find are:
Burglary Time: 19:30
Who was the item burgled from: Shaggy
Where it took place: The Mystery Machine
Item Stolen: A Sandwich
Why: 'It was yummy' ...these clues should lead to the
answer that the thief was Scooby Doo!
Problems of the day
Literacy - Eldorado Part 2
Follow the link below to listen to the story and to take part in the second online lesson.
In this lesson, you are going to design your characters, give them a role, decide how they will behave and provide them with any characteristics they have.
If you prefer, you could begin by drawing pictures of them and really getting to know them as you sketch your images. Use the slide below and the video above to help you to complete this activity.
I can't wait to meet your characters!
Hi Guys,
I'd like to say a huge well done to you all for all the work you have been doing over the past few weeks. You have been working so hard and it has been lovely receiving pictures and videos of the activities you have been completing. Remember to take time to relax, exercise and socialise too.
Can I also remind you to check your emails each day as this is where you will be able to read my morning message and any other important things you need to know.
Today and tomorrow I will be working in school so will not be answering emails quite as quickly; therefore, if you have any problems please email the class 6 email address and Miss Gillies or Mrs Coggan will get back to you as soon as possible.
Well done again and speak to you soon. xx
Our next writing activity will be writing and filming your very own story. Follow the link below to listen to the story and to take part in the online lesson. You can also follow this link to open a printable version of the story.
Your challenge now is to design your own group - your very own detective agency. Click on the gallery below for some ideas and keep referring back to the video above for further ideas.
Why not share a talent with us? Over the next day, I would like you to practise and prepare a talent, ready to share with the class. It might be creating a piece of artwork, sewing, singing, dancing, story telling, magic, cooking or sport - the list goes on .....
Once you have prepared your talent, you can photograph, write about it, send us instructions to try out or film yourself carrying out your talent and share it with me. Remember, if a film is too long to send, you can share it with your parents WhatsApp and then get them to email it directly to me.
Get thinking and practising - we can't wait to see your skills!
Story Competition Launch
Today is the launch of our story ending competition. The teachers have created a shared story for you to watch. Mr James started off the story and then passed the story on to the next teacher. They recorded their part of the story and then passed it on to the next teacher. This continued until we had a whole story that was just missing the final chapter. It is your job to finish off the story. It will all become clearer when you watch our shared story. Click on the picture below to watch our All Saints staff shared story. We hope you enjoy it.
You now need to write the final chapter of the story. Send your story endings in to your teachers email address. Each year group will choose a winner and your teacher will record your ending to add to the end of the video.
You might want to plan your ending before you write it. Take your time, don't rush it. This task will continue onto tomorrow's home learning so you have time to work on it.
Enter text...
Numeracy: Arithmetic
Answers on sheet
Order of operations lesson start
Order of operations (developing)
(expected level)
(greater depth)
Answers to all groups
Problems of the day
Reading: Hakuna Matata Karaoke (part 2 comprehension)
Writing: Continue story for whole school writing competition (see above)
ICT: Pass on the aeroplane and attach your film clip to an email and send to your teacher. (Click here for instructions of how to attach a film to an email).
PSHE: Preparing for High School
What is life like in the first year at secondary school?
Follow Alfie through a typical day in Year 7 from when he gets up in the morning to what happens during the school day.
The video includes tips about having the correct equipment for a school day and the opportunities to get involved in after school activities and clubs.
Follow the link to BBC Bitesize for the full activity by clicking on the image below.
Activity Ideas
To make yourself an organiser to get yourself organised for high school.
Record lists of things you may need, explore your new school's website to find out about how the day is organising, clubs available. Begin to make a dream list of all the things you are looking forward to.
Reading: Hakuna Matata Karaoke Comprehension sheet
Click on picture to go to the song
Music Challenge: Click on the image below to find out how you can create your own music. Remember to send me a video or recording of your music. I can't wati to receive them all.
Welcome back everyone - I hope you've had a great Easter break and that you have not eaten too much chocolate! I can't believe we are in term 3 already. You have been amazing during this very difficult time and have completed so much work over the past 4 weeks. Keep going and continue to share any ideas of projects that you would like to do and I will post them on this page.
If you have managed to complete any of the Easter activities, I would love to see them. Please email them to me and they may even end up on our school showcase.
Summer 1 - week 1 20/04/20
Day 5
Matt Haig uses a lot of dialogue (direct speech where a character is talking) within this extract. Click the picture below to watch the extract read by Maro Itoje. Whilst watching, think about what job the dialogue is doing.
Is the dialogue:
- telling us more about a character?
- moving the story on?
Now scroll down the page and watch Maro Itoje read a second extract.
Whilst watching:
- think about the impressions that you get as a reader and look for evidence that supports it
Big Maths - Week 11
Miss Coggan's Big Maths - Sheet
Sheet 2
Make a connection from this week's problems you have solved. Think carefully about the steps you had to take in order to solve the problem and which connections you had to make with previous learning.
Writing - Use your research from yesterday about St George and write up your preferred genre based on the information you have collected. There is a success criteria below if you choose to write a biography of his life.
Science - Work through the online lesson on 'What is classification?' by clicking on the picture below.
Now you know what classification is, you could practise making a classification key using sweets first. Once you are confident at how these work, try making one to classify some well-known animals yourself. Here is a picture of one to help you get started. Or, if you prefer, you could make a learning log page all about classification and send me a photograph of your work. I can't wait to see them.
Click here for a printable version of the image below.
Art Activity - To create a version of this stained glass window based on someone who you feel deserves to be a saint today. You could think about the wonderful work that lots of people are selflessly doing today related to Covid 19, or you could think of another saintly person that has touched your life.
Numeracy challenge (harder) - Mystery of the Missing Knight
Answers on back page
(easier) - Mystery of the Stolen Sword
Answers on back page
Reading Comprehension - Differentiated comprehensions (choose a level and challenge yourself. (This could also help with your research below).
Answers on page
Writing - To research St George
Collect your ideas on a brainstorm (following the method we have used in school). Once you have collected all your information, colour code your brainstorm and organise your ideas into different sections. Think about the following questions when carrying out your research. This information will be used to create your own powerpoint or information booklet all about the life of St George. Click on the picture of St George below which will guide you to online information about St George - BBC Bitesize information.
You can also open the following powerpoint documents for further information.
Powerpoint 1
Powerpoint 2
Day 3
Here is another picture problem for you to have a go at. I think Feven was the only person to solve the one just before Easter.
Numeracy - Arithmetic
Answers on sheet
- Revision of angles angles in a triangle special cases
missing angles
- Support video and Flash activity angles special cases
- Support video and Flash activity missing angles
- Problem of the day
Reading - Text
- Questions
Grammar - Active and passive verbs click the link below to take part in online activities
Differentiated worksheets on active and passive verbs
Answers on sheet
For your writing today click on the picture below and it will take you to Jane Considine's sentence stacking lesson. She will talk you through writing a short section of the story ' Lost and Found'.
Follow this link to open the sheet showing the different sections of the story, and write a high quality piece of writing building tension and atmosphere. I would love to see this piece of writing and can use it to assess your current writing level.
Or, if you would prefer, you can use your story mountain to tell the story of 'Lost and Found'. You could start the story earlier and include when the characters first met, or you could take the story a little further and give the story your new ending, that you predicted in yesterday's reading work.
Day 2
Numeracy - Arithmetic
Answers on sheet
- Revision of angles vertically opposite angles
angles in triangles
- Support video vertically opposite angles
- Support video angles in triangles
- Problem of the day
Grammar - Verbs and modal verbs click the link below to take part in online activities
Differentiated worksheets on verbs and modal verbs
Answers on sheet
Reading - Predict what you think will happen next in the film 'Lost and Found'
Remember, when you make a prediction, you need to base your ideas on what has happened before and use these to explain your prediction.
Writing - Plot the 'Lost and Found' on the attached story mountain. Think about the different parts of the story and think carefully about the build up and the resolution when planning the story. If you prefer, you can create your own planning sheet for the story.
Begin to plan some of your vocabulary and literary devices on the back of your planning sheet. (powerful adjectives, verbs, adverbs, alliteration, similes, personification, power of three etc.)
Mrs Coggan's Group - Reading
- Writing
- Numeracy work Answers on sheet
- Numeracy powerpoint
Day 1
Lost and Found
This week's writing is going to be based around this short film. It is a love story that tugs at the heart strings, and shows how far people will go for a true friend. This animation is full of emotion which has been created through the characters. Music, actions and expressions haveall been used to draw in the viewer. This week, we are are going to try and create the same effect through our use of language.
Click the image below to watch the short film.
Reading Inference Questions
1) How do you know that the 2 characters have a good relationship?
2) How does the dinosaur show its emotions when the fox falls in the water?
3) Why does the dinosaur cover its eyes as it jumps off the table?
4) What words do you think are going through the dinosaurs mind at this point?
5) How do you think the fox is feeling when it sees the dragon unravelling?
6) Do you think the characters are boys, girls or both? Why?
7) Does this film remind you of any other stories. If so, which ones and how are they similar?
Today's Writing Task
To make up a back story of how the characters actually met.
- Where did they meet for the first time?
- How did they become such good friends?
- What happened to make them connect with one another?
Organising your ideas:
- Brainstorm your ideas - link to your own life experiences, answer the questions above to get yourself started.
- Colour code your ideas to organise your thinking
- Include description and detail to draw in the reader and make them want to read on
- Include lots of emotion
Grammar: Nouns and pronouns - click the link below to take part in online activities involving nouns and pronouns.
Differentiated worksheets on pronouns
Answers at the end of sheet
Numeracy: Arithmetic
Answers on sheet
Revision of angles: Video on turns (move on past the flash activity to revise turns)
Video on how to calculate angles (move on past the flash to revise calculating angles)
Calculating angles
Problem of the day
Here are lots of activities that you can be doing during your Easter break. Read through them, and pick out which ones you think you might enjoy. Encourage your brothers and sisters to get involved and remember to send me photographs of what you've been doing.
These activities can be completed as part of your learning log work. Please photograph any completed pages - I would love to see them. Below is an example of different ways you might like to present your work. Have a great Easter and remember I am here if you need to contact me at any time.
Mrs Ingham x
Links for slide 2: Active Prayer
Further Ideas
Click on the image below to find even more ideas from the diocese. This document is filled with fun ideas, including stop-start animation and lego building.
Ooh, this is a really juicy challenge to get your brains working! Keep checking in next week to see if I add any new ones.
Why not brighten up the day by making a rainbow to display in your window. Children all around the country are doing this to spread hope and make someone smile.
Hi Guys, I hope everyone is trying to stay active. If you click below, you can try out some of the Rhinos Challenges and have fun whilst keeping fit. Once you are on the page, you will be able to try out different challenges.
Week2 - beginning 30.03.20
Welcome to week 2 of home learning. I hope you've all managed to have a good weekend and that you've managed to get plenty of rest away from school work. As last week, remember that there are lots of activities for you to do and DO NOT feel as though you need to complete them all. Have another great week and remember to have fun, socialise and get as much fresh air as you can. I have also changed the Lent challenge to week 4; it would be brilliant if you could try out some of the new challenges or you could get involved with some onf the online activities keep both your body and mind active during this lockdown. Click the links below to get involved.
9.00am – PE with Joe Wicks
10.00am – Maths with Carol Vorderman
11.00am – English with David Walliams
12.00pm – Lunch (cooking with Jame Oliver)
1.00pm – Music with Myleene Klass
1.30pm – Dance with DarceyBussel
Hi All,
The teachers found yesterday's challenge extremely hard and didn't persevere quite as much as you guys, so let's see who can be on today's leader board. The teachers will be looking at this at the same times as you, so let's see if you lot can hit the top places. Good luck everyone!
Literacy: Writing - Finish off work on Arrival
Comprehension - reading booklet
Comprehension - answer booklet
Numeracy: Big Maths week 2 - try to beat your score
Challenge - see above
Make a connection with any problems you have solved this week.
Good morning Year 6 - well done for all your hard work again this week. Lots of you are still completing the work on a daily basis, and this will really help you when you start high school in September. You've only 2 days to go up until the Easter holidays where I will be setting an Easter Challenge for you all. If you have any ideas of a competition or activities that you would like to do, then please let me know. I would also love to see your diary writing from this week, so please send me them via email.
You may have heard about the new Nightingale Hospital in London, that has been built over the last week, and they are asking for bright pictures to hang on the walls to brighten up the hospital. Please could you send any pictures to me and I will pass them on to the hospital. Pictures need to be A4 size as they will be laminated, so if you get a minute, it would be great if you could make one for me to send to them.
I found this challenge online yesterday and saw lots of adults struggling to solve it; however, I know that most of you will be able to solve the problem. Look really carefully as it isn't quite as straightforward as it first looks, and email me when you think you have worked out the answer. Happy problem solving!
Literacy: Grammar
Writing - see work lower down the page on 'The Arrival'
Guided reading text
Guided reading answer booklet
Writing - see below
Numeracy:Arithmetic - Flash decimals
Word problems main group
Word problems higher
Mrs Coggan's group: Tuesday Literacy
Wednesday Guided Reading
Thursday Guided Reading
Literacy: Grammar
Guided reading text
Guided reading answer booklet
Writing - see below
Numeracy: Arithmetic - Flash Decimals
Statistics further problems
Literacy: Grammar
Guided reading text
Guided reading answer booklet
Writing - see below
Numeracy: Arithmetic Answers on sheet
Arithmetic (challenging) Answers on sheet
Statistics problems
Mrs Coggan's group: Guided Reading
Guided Reading
Numeracy Addition and Subtraction
Numeracy Place Value
Literacy: Guided reading - use the image below and anwer the questions using your inference skills.
What do you think the troll is thinking?
Do you think he is a mean or a kind troll? Why?
What are the people doing when they have seen the troll?
Would you try to catch him or talk to him?
Where do you think the troll has come from?
What do you think the rope around the troll’s waist is for?
Grammar workout: sheet
Writing for the week
Click on each of the images below to find out what this week's writing task is. Below are the features of diary writing, ideas for each day's diar entry, an example of a diary and some descriptive phrases that you could include in your writing.
Remember, when writing a diary you need to include lots of emotion and thoughts. Think about the purpose of diary writing - to offload your feelings and make sure that you 'show - don't tell' when describing events.
It would great to see some of your writing, so please photograph it or send me it via email.
Numeracy: Arithmetic Group 1 Answers on sheet
Arithmetic Group 2 (more challenging) Answers on sheet
Coordinates - one quadrant
Four quadrants
Do not feel as though you have to complete all sheets. Just do what you can; there is extra work for those who want it.
Week Beginning 23.03.20
We did it guys - today is Friday! Today will be a normal Friday with Big Maths, MAC and comprehension. As every other day, do what you can and remember to send me anything that you do in addition to this. I have messaged those pupils we haven't heard much from this week, so if you haven't been in touch, then please let me know how you're doing. Have a fantastic weekend and keep in touch.
Literacy: Comprehension Answers at the end of the sheet
Comprehension - Miss Gillies's group Answers on sheet
Numeracy: Big Maths and make a connection based on this week's problems.
I can't believe we are on day 4 already. You have been fantastic this week and have kept on going all week. I couldn't be prouder of you. It can be hard to stay motivated when you are working on your own, but you guys have kep on going regardless. It would be so lovely to see some of the work you have been doing - especially any artwork or projects that you have begun. Let me know which activities you have been doing and which have been your favourites. If you have any ideas for art projects, then let me know and we can share them with the rest of your class.
Literacy: Guided Reading
Writing - To write a letter or create a poster to make someone working in our emergency services smile. Once you have finished these, you can either post them yourselves or email them to me and I will make sure they get to the amazing people working in our hospitals. You can write your letter to the doctors, nurses, porters, paramedics, catering teams or domestic staff working in the hospitals. They are doing an amazing job and it would be lovely for them to receive a letter of encouragement showing how grateful we are for their hardwork or a motivational poster to be displayed around the wards.
Numeracy: Arithmetic Group 1 Answers at the end of page
Group 2 (more challenging) Answers at the end of the page
Flash mixed revision
Word problems
Word problems (harder)
Keep going guys - you are doing really well. I have now marked the reading papers and will let you know tomorrow how you have done. I hope everyone managed to try out the PE link yesterday. Remember, Joe Wickes is online every single day. I have also found out that Audible has released lots of free books online at the moment. Why not log in and see which stories you can listen to for free. Lastly, you will have seen the 'Collective Worship' link above. Click on here to join in with our school collective worship sessions.
Literacy: Guided Reading
Grammar is below - questions 21-30
Writing - Free choice of writing genre - you could write a letter, diary, continue the story, newspaper report using the image below or any other genre of writing. Remember, whichever genre you choose that you need to think about the audience and purpose of your writing.
Before you begin, plan your ideas, think about he features of writing and select vocabulary that will be included in your work.
Numeracy: Arithmetic Group 1 Answers at the end of the sheets
Group 2 (more challenging) Answers at the end of the sheets
Ratio (Flash)
Ratio proportion
Ratio proportion 2
Ratio SAT questions (difficult)
Well done everyone - Year 6 had the most hits on this website yesterday. Lots of you have been working really hard and have completed lots of the work. It's great to see you so motivated!
As I said in my email, you do not need to complete everything - just do what you can. I have posted extra for those of you that may want to keep busy.
Literacy: Guided Reading
Written work and grammar is below and was posted yesterday.
Numeracy: Arithmetic Group 1 Answers on the last page
Group 2 (more challenging) Answers on the last page
Ratio (reasoning) Scale factors
Scale factors 2
Afternoon: PE Why not sign onto Joe Wicke's PE lessons each day. Here is his first lesson.
Music: Get together with friends online and make up a song/rap Film it and share across the Super Sixes.
Monday Last week's answers have been attached below.
Goodmorning everyone. I hope you've managed to have a great weekend and that you have spoilt your mums yesterday. Some of you will be feeling excited about working from home for the first day, and some of you will be a little anxious. Just do your best and complete what you can. If you have any questions, remember to email the 'class 6' email address and someone will get back to you as quickly as possible. Enjoy your day!
Numeracy: Arithmetic % and converting measures (includes reasoning questions)
Flashback - converting measures
Answers for flashback day 1: 5 and 0, 4 and 2, 1 and 4.5, y = 6.5, 68%, 7,801
day 2: mm, x=9, £45, 2 6/7
day 3: 1000 , x-17=23, 80%, parallelogram
Literacy: Grammar Verb Tenses
Monday - questions 1-10 Tues - questions 11-20 Wed - questions 21-30
Answers 1-10
Answers 11-20
Answers 21-30
- Who is the boy in the foreground?
- What do you know about him? What can you infer?
- What does his expression tell you?
- Is something wrong with his face?
- Is he hiding? Why?
- What can you see behind him? Is it the ghost of a lady? A shadow? Something else?
- What is happening?
- Why is the title ‘The Vanishings’? Who or what is vanishing? How many?
- Write an effective opening paragraph to a story based around this picture. What would be the best way to start? (Dialogue? Description? Action?)
- Remember to plan your ideas first and collect a range of effective vocabulary that you could use in your writing.
- Your opening paragraph needs to hook the reader and make them want to read on!
Well done to all those pupils that have managed to download Microsoft 365 onto your devices, and a big thank you to those that have emailed to let me know that you are connected. If you are having problems with this, please let me know as soon as possible and I will offer all the help I can.
These activities are for children that have started self-isolating this week. I will provide full activities for Maths and Literacy on a daily basis and you can access other subjects through the curriculum letter at the top of this page.
Big Maths - 1 Big Maths - 2 Spellings - hyphens 1 hyphens 2 Grammar - Answers Big Maths 1
Answers Big Maths 2
Answers Grammar
Miss Coggan Maths - Big Maths 1 Big Maths 2