All Saint's Richmond Hill Church Of England Primary School


We believe that every grown-up and child in our school makes up our special family. Through God’s love, and by living out our Christian values, we will give everyone in our school family the strength and care they need to achieve their full potential.

Ephesians 2:18-19

‘Through Christ, we all have the right to come to the Father in one Spirit. You belong to God’s family.’


We want our school to be:

…a family     …safe      ...caring and loving from bullying

...a fun place to learn in interesting ways


We want our school to be a safe and friendly place where:

  • we believe that everybody is loved by God
  • we believe that everybody is different and that everybody is special
  • we believe that everybody has special gifts and talents
  • we feel confident
  • we respect each other
  • we celebrate life and the teachings of Jesus
  • we can achieve our very best
  • our achievements are celebrated


We want everybody to know:

  • that we are loved and how special that is
  • that the world is beautiful and we must look after it
  • how amazing life is
  • what is right and wrong
  • how to make good choices
  • how to be a good person in the community
  • how to be a good adult when we are older
  • how to be healthy and safe
  • how to be a good friend


 Our school will provide:

  • Literacy, Numeracy and ICT skills so that we learn to a high standard and achieve our best
  • a place where we can speak to God and learn about his teachings
  • exciting learning through Themes
  • opportunities to create
  • ways to help us become good speakers and listeners



Written by All Saints’ School Council


In common with other Church of England schools throughout England and Wales, we have adopted the following ethos statement:-

“Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.

The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.  It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils”


Christian Values


The school has chosen some values to teach and share with children which are based on the teachings of Jesus.

The values are Truth, Family, Caring, Fairness, Friendship, Community and Perseverance.  These values are fundamental to school and are displayed across school.


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