All Saint's Richmond Hill Church Of England Primary School

 The Year 2 team:

Class teacher: Mrs Henson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Burns


Welcome to Year 2! Our PE days are on Monday and Thursdays so please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit. We will change reading books on Monday and Thursdays. Please can you date and sign any time your child has read as this will help keep a track of reading rewards. For ways you can help your child at home, please see the curriculum letters attached on this page every half term. If you have any concerns or questions please don't hesitate to come and see me or any of the Year 2 team. I am looking forward to year ahead with the fun and interesting things already planned for the children.

Mrs Henson :)


Spring 2 

We are Leeds!

Spring 1

What was great about The Great Fire of London?

For our celebration day, we burnt our houses to represent the Great Fire of London. 

Look at all the fun things we have done this half term. 

Amazing Amazon!

The Golden Ticket... 

Summer 2 - Island Survival!

Summer 1- Major Glad, Major Dizzy!

Spring 2- We are Leeds!

Year 2's trip to the Synagogue 

Spring 1- What was great about the Great Fire of London?

Autumn 2- Amazing Amazon!

This half term we have a lot interesting things planned in the run up to Christmas. Our class book for this half term is "The Great Kapok Tree" by Lynne Cherry, which links into our Science topic of habitats. We have a woodlice investigation planned in science, as well making a bug hotel! Give our topic of habitats, we will be going on an exciting trip to Tropical World to explore different habitats and their animals! I'm sure the children will enjoy what we have planned for the next 7 weeks.

Autumn 1- The Golden Ticket...


We have lots of exciting and fun activities planned this half term to get your child's creative minds going! Our inspiration for this half term is Roald Dahl's famous book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The children will have the chance to design, make and sell their own chocolate lolly in their maths enterprise DT project. We also have a thrilling trip for a proof is in the pudding experience with M&S to look forward to. I am looking forward to starting our first half term together with our Golden Ticket theme.



Summer 2- Island survival!


This half term our theme is all about Island Survival! Our theme book is Pirate Pockets: The Great Cheese Robbery by Chris Mould. We have a lot of fun outdoor activities planned for our last half term this academic year. The child will enjoy orienteering around school grounds, conducting field work with a senses hunt, a trip to Go Ape and much more! Please have a look at our curriculum letter below for way you could help your child at home this half term.


Here are just some of the photos from our celebration day at Thackray Museum! The children loved going back in time and training as nurses and porters in Scutari Hospital as a way to celebrate all of their work on historical figures.


Summer 1- Major Glad, Major Dizzy


This half term, we have some very exciting things lined up for the children, including a trip to a synagogue as well as a trip to Thackery Museum this half term. Our book this half term is Major Glad, Major Dizzy by Oke Jan. We will be looking at some exciting, historical significant figures which will inspire our letter and diary entry writing. Alongside this, the children will be able to get hands on with some fun textiles in DT. Have a look at the curriculum letter below, for ways to help your child at home.

Spring 2- Can I be a mechanic

This half term our theme is about being a mechanic and looking at different mechanisms and axels, to help create our own skateboard. Our book this half term is Bad dad by David Walliams and we will be creating our own shape poems and stories with similes and alliterations! Please see our curriculum letter below for ways you can help your child this half term.




Spring 1 - What was so great about the Great Fire of London?


This half term we will be learning all about the Great Fire of London. We will be looking at non-fiction texts in Literacy where our book this half term is "Vlad and the Great Fire of London" by Kate Cunningham. Please see our curriculum letter below for ways you can help your child this half term.


Autumn 2 - Amazing Amazon

This half term our theme is the amazing Amazon Rainforest. We will be reading the book "The Great Kapok Tree" written by Lynne Cherry. We will be using this book to help us write letters this half term in our Literacy lessons, thinking about writing in past, present and future tenses which will make us excellent writers. Please see our Curriculum Letter below for your learning opportunities this half term. 

Autumn 1 - The Golden Ticket

This half term our theme is The Golden Ticket.  We will be reading the book "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl.  We will be using the book to help us learn about adjectives and continue to help us become great story writers.  We will be making chocolate bars as part our Theme and Maths Enterprise work. We will hopefully make a profit!  Please see our Curriculum Letter below for your learning opportunities this half term.


Our school trip to M&S:

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