Nursery Home Learning
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Home Learning page for Nursery class.
This is where you will be able to find activities and links to ideas for Home Learning during school closures.
Please also log into Tapestry regularly as this is a great place for us to share information. You can also add your own photos and videos of the things your children have been doing at home. We would really love to hear from you and see your updates during the closure.
Please check your emails regularly.
You can email Andrea and Natasha directly via and this will be checked every week day during school term time.
Thank you and take care.
The Nursery Team
Nursery closes at 3pm on Thursday 9th July for the summer holidays.
We will be in touch with all families regarding our planned return in September.
You can still contact us via email:
We would like to thank all parents and carers for their support this year.
We also wish the very best for your children who are starting school in September.
To those returning to us, we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Messages and activities for the weeks commencing 29th June and 2020
Hello everyone! How are you doing?
Reports - if your child is starting school in September, we have produced an end of year report for your child. You should have received e-mails from us asking how you would like to receive the report. We can email it to you or you can make an appointment to come and collect a paper copy from Nursery. Please reply ASAP. Thank you.
If your child is staying with us, you won't receive a report but you can follow your child's progress on Tapestry.
Over the next few weeks we will be focussing on shape activities. We hope you have fun!
Best wishes from The Nursery Team
Story Time:
Walter's Wonderful Web read aloud
Chat of the Week:
Go on a shape hunt. Use these shape cards (with everyday examples) to see what shapes you can spot. Talk about what you can see, how many sides the shape etc.
Most children can use the first 2 cards that feature basic shapes.
We would like the children to try to recognise initial sounds of words. Use these pictures.
What sound does mouse start with? mmm mouse
What sound does apple start with? a,a,a,apple
What sound does snake start with? sssssss snake
What sound does dog start with? d,d,d dog
Note: children at All Saints' learn the sounds (not letter names) in this order:
(some older children may have progressed further than this and some younger children have not started learning phonics yet. Please just focus on getting them to hear the first sound of the words. Thank you!)
Mark making:
Can you draw some shapes and decorate them? Try cutting them out to practise scissor skills too.
How about a wonderful web? Maybe you could draw Walter on his web.
Have a go at counting the sides of shapes you can see at home.
Shape, space and measure:
Art and Craft
Can you make a spider picture/junk model/play dough model?
Movement and exercise:
Messages and activities for the weeks commencing 15th June and 22nd June 2020
Hello again!
We will continue to add a book of the week and some activities at the start of every week.
Please do what you can with your child and use our ideas as a starting point.
Thank you and remember to drop us a line if you need any help.
Warmest wishes from The Nursery Team.
Our book of the week is 'Commotion in the Ocean' by Giles Andreae.
Story Time:
Commotion in the Ocean read aloud
Chat of the week:
Mark making:
Have a go at creating curves, lines, zig zags, circles etc. See the sheet below for ideas:
Help your child to count the number blocks and find the next one in the sequence:
Shape, space and measures:
Art and craft:
Choose your favourite creatures from the book and draw, paint or make them.
Exercise and movement:
Can't Stop the Feeling Go Noodle Dance
Messages and activities for the week commencing 8th June 2020
Welcome back!
Thank you for all of the activities you are doing at home with your children.
Please send us an email if you have any specific questions relating to your child's development and learning. We are also happy to arrange to call you if you could prefer to chat.
Have a great week!
Love and best wishes from The Nursery Team
Our book of the week is 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister.
Story Time:
Chat of the week:
Who are your friends?
Why do you like these people?
What makes you a good friend?
Ask your grown up about their friends.
This game is mainly for our older children but all can have a look.
Try set 1 and set 2.
Mark making:
Please try any activity where your child is using a pencil, pen, brush, finger etc to make marks.
Draw/paint a fish or a rainbow or a friend.
Write a note or make a card for a friend (let them write - even if it just looks like squiggles!).
Write a list of friends and family members.
Have a go - this is quite a difficult activity. Make is easier by asking:
Can you find 2 orange scales? Can you find 3 blue scales? etc.
How many fins does Rainbow Fish have?
How many eyes can you see? Do you think Rainbow Fish has more?
Art and craft:
Can you create a Rainbow Fish collage? Can you make some shiny scales?
Movement and exercise:
Go Noodle - Popping Bubbles dance!
Messages and activities for the week commencing 1st June 2020
It's summer!
Welcome back to the Nursery Home Learning page.
Just like many other nurseries and schools accross England, All Saints' is re-opening to selected groups of children.
You have all been contacted by phone, email and post to let you know the arrangements for Nursery. Some children will be returning to Nursery and we look forward to seeing them again. Many children will not be returning to Nursery so we will keep the suggested activities coming on a weekly basis. Please keep in touch.
If you have any queries, questions or concerns, please get in touch. We are happy to call you for a chat too so please drop us a line:
We are here for you.
The Nursery Team
Story Time:
Sharing a Shell story read aloud
Chat of the Week:
Have you ever been to the seaside? Would you like to go? Talk together.
Have a look at the Spot the Difference activity and talk about the things that are in the picture. Seaside Spot the Difference
Phase 1 Phonics:
Seaside Tongue Twister Cards can you say these tongue twisters? Can you spot words that start with the same sound?
Mark Making:
We encourage you to help your child to practise writing their name.
We would love to see some drawings of seaside creatures/objects.
Movement and Exercise:
Try to do any kind of exercise that gets your heart pumping. Try the Joe Wicks daily workout or have a jog/jump along to some favourite music.
Skills to prepare for school:
Pencil control - drawing/writing/making marks.
Reading books together for enjoyment.
Counting objects.
Scissor skills - cutting paper and thin card.
Putting on own clothes and shoes.
Washing hands properly.
Toileting independently.
Week commencing 25th May is half-term so no activities will be uploaded until 1st June.
Thank you
Messages and activities for the week commencing Monday 18th May 2020
Welcome back to the Nursery Home Learning page.
We contacted you all by telephone/email last week to talk about a possible return to Nursery.
We are all working hard to make the necessary plans so
please continue to check this page and your emails for important announcements and information.
Thank you.
This week, our book is 'Norman - The Slug with the Silly Shell' by Sue Hendra.
We hope you enjoy the story (we think Norman has some amazing ideas!) and please have a try at some of our activities below.
We will be in touch again soon.
Love and warmest wishes from The Nursery Team
Story Time:
Norman - The Slug with the Silly Shell book Read Aloud
Chat of the Week:
Why do you think Norman wanted to be a snail?
Can you think of any other things he could have used for a shell?
I wonder if Norman could use other things to help him travel really fast on the ground or on water. Do you have any ideas for Norman to try?
Tell your grownup all about your ideas and ask them if they have any ideas too.
Phase 1 Phonics:
Mark Making:
Please continue to practise writing your name.
Look at the information then try to draw your own slugs and snails.
Grown ups - draw 1 snail/slug/minibeast and ask your child to draw 1 more. How many are there altogether?
Repeat this activity with 2 or 3 snails/slugs/minibeasts. Can your child count them?
Arts,crafts and sensory play:
Create your own snails using things from nature:
Create snails and slugs from play dough:
Make some jelly 'slug slime':
Movement and exercise:
This is a favourite Nursery song/dance. Give it a go together and get moving!
Have fun and stay safe!
Messages and activities for the week commencing Monday 11th May 2020
Hello everyone!
This week we will be using the book 'What the Ladybird Heard', By Julia Donaldson, to help us with our learning.
We hope you enjoy the activities and are managing to get outside for some fresh air every day.
Please drop us a line on Tapestry or via email.
Love and best wishes from The Nursery Team
Story Time:
What the Ladybird Heard Story Read Aloud
Can you make the animal noises too?
Chat of the Week:
What animals do you like?
Tell your grown up all about your favourite animal.
What colour is it? Where does it live? What does it eat? How does it move?
Phase 1 Phonics:
Use this picture mat to play 2 games: Picture Mat
Listening game: look at the picture mat. Take turns with your grown up to make an animal noise. Can they guess the animal?
Memory game: look at the picture mat. Take turns with your grown up to hide one of the pictures (use your hand or an object to cover it). Can they guess which picture you're hiding?
Mark Making:
Please continue to help your child to write their name.
Can you trace the shape of a ladybird onto your hand? It tickles but it's fun!
Try the counting/matching/ordering games here:
Shape, Space and Measure:
Try this Shape Monsters game:
Art and Craft:
Have a go at creating a ladybird. Here are some ideas:
Understanding the World: